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June 2024 Release Updates

Shared by Team • June 20, 2024

Hi there,

Here's a quick overview of our June 2024 release!

New Cyber Risk Dashboard Authentication & MFA Enforcement Drill-Down Detail Tiles 🔎

  • New drill-downs and interactive charts display user counts with enforced Conditional Access Policies
  • Quickly view the total number of users with MFA enforcement status, categorized by role type as Member or Guest.

Return of Teams, SharePoint, and OneDrive Microsoft 365 Data ⭐

  • Restored access to data points in the Microsoft 365 child inspectors provides more granular insights into the status and changes to Microsoft 365 Applications across tenants.

The returning Microsoft 365 applications data are as follows:

  • Teams
  • Groups.ActiveGroups[].Teams
  • Active Teams
  • Archived Teams
  • Count of Private Channels
  • List of Private Channels
  • SharePoint
  • Sites
  • Lists
  • Pages
  • OneDrive
  • Drives
  • Total Shared Drives
  • Shared Drives

New Liongard for Account Managers Learning Path in Liongard Academy 🦁

  • This new learning path is designed for Account Managers and vCIOs seeking to deepen their understanding and proficiency with Liongard's Attack Surface Management.
  • Includes a blend of courses covering fundamental knowledge, risk management, compliance, and customer relationship enhancement.
  • By following this path, account managers will be equipped to effectively use Liongard to support their roles, drive customer success, and enhance their strategic decision-making processes.

New Active Directory Inspector Version Coming Soon ⚙️

  • This newly designed Active Directory inspector version will remove the inspector’s dependence on WinRM and ADWS, making it safer, easier to configure, and faster to inspect.
  • Your current Active Directory inspectors will automatically upgrade in place when the new version is released.
  • ⚠️ Please note that if your Active Directory inspectors are configured to use remote inspection (running an inspection from a server other than the domain controller), you will need to reconfigure them to ensure that they return the full breadth of data that the inspector can provide. ⚠️
  • Please review this Knowledge Base article for instructions on reconfiguring your Active Directory inspector for local inspections.

Windows Server 2012 Support ⚠️

  • Liongard is ending support for Windows Server 2012 on agent versions 4.2.4 and greater. Microsoft deprecated support for this operating system version on October 13, 2023.
  • Liongard recommends upgrading your systems to a supported operating system version to utilize the latest supported Liongard agent version.
  • Partners still needing to inspect systems running Windows Server 2012 may continue to use agent version 4.2.3; however, this agent version has now reached End of Maintenance (EOM) and will reach End Of Life (EOL) effective May 31, 2025
  • For more information, please visit our Knowledge Base.